A primordial black hole is a type of black hole that was created just after the Big Bang. In fact, these holes, which could never be seen, can give many answers to the uncertainties of astronomers. Have you heard of this topic before? Really, scientific studies give a lot of thought to the subject of black holes, new developments and new discoveries are constantly emerging.
There are three types of black holes that astronomers have been able to identify. These are: intermediate mass, stellar mass, and supermassive black holes. Each of these types has more mass than the Sun in our solar system. In fact, they formed hundreds of thousands of years after the Bing Bang, as the universe grew and evolved.
However, there is a type of black hole that astronomers have not yet been able to see, but are certain that it existed. These are known as the primordial black hole.
Origin of a primordial black hole
As its name implies, the primordial black hole was born very early in the universe. Just seconds after the Big Bang. This happened long before stars or galaxies as they are known today existed.
According to some theories, they indicate that, at the time the universe began, space was not completely homogeneous. In practice, it had areas that were denser and warmer than others. In this way, the densest regions could have collapsed and generated black holes.
However, primordial black holes could still exist today. And depending on its mass, some problems in contemporary astronomy could be explained.
Composition of black holes
Primordial black holes could be a type of dark matter called MACHOs. The acronym stands for massive compact halo objects. This is because they are found in the halos, or outskirts, of galaxies. Even though dark matter makes up about 30 percent of the universe, it is a huge conundrum for astronomers.
While primordial black holes are difficult to see, there are ways to detect them. One way to detect MALE dark matter is by looking for events called microlenses. These events occur when a massive object passes in front of a more distant object, such as a star. At this time the black hole deflects light from the distant star around it, illuminated and magnified the image.
Although these events are very rare and last only a moment, if enough can be captured they would be of great use to astronomers. Since, it could be determined which are the objects that make the microlensing and if these are primordial black holes.