Most massive pulsar nebula discovered

Astronomers have declared his one of the highest energy sources in the 2FHL survey. This is probably a plerion with very high photon energy, making it a very promising object for further observation. A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star. Sometimes they emit rapid “pulsar winds” of electrons and protons. This “wind” collides with the supernova remnant, forming an expanding “bubble” of plasma, a pulsar nebula, or plerion. A notable example is the famous Crab Nebula, which is a combination of a supernova remnant and a plellion. Plerions are of interest to scientists as “laboratories” for studying extreme conditions such as high density and strong magnetic fields, and relativistic winds and shock waves resulting from interaction with matter in interstellar space. These are some of the brightest sources of high-energy radiation in the sky. Astronomers are keen to find such objects, and data collected by the space-based Fermi Gamma-ray Observatory reveals 2FHL of 360 sources with particle energies ranging from 50 gigaelectronvolts to 2 teraelectronvolts. Edited the catalog. Among them are his 12 high-energy sources in the plane of our galaxy, which could not be assigned to specific celestial bodies. And now scientists have managed to explain the gamma brightness of one of them, 2FHL J1745.1-3035, the second highest of these 12 light sources. A team of astronomers led by Stefano Marchesi from the University of Bologna (Italy) has compiled archived and new X-ray data from the Chandra Observatory, the XMM Newton telescope, the first space telescope in the hard X-ray range (7-80 years). compared. ). kiloelectronvolt) NuSTAR. They managed to collect observations over his 20 years. After analyzing the data, scientists concluded that this compact his X-ray source was most likely a plerion. At energies above 50 gigaelectronvolts, it has a very hard gamma spectrum with a photon index Г = 1.2. Hard radiation is radiation with high quantum energy, in this case photons. If the discovery is confirmed, the object would be the hardest known plerion in the gamma-ray range and one of the hardest in the X-ray range. The results of scientific research are published on the arXiv preprint website.
