“I saw something strange in the sky, it was 07:30 in the morning and they were not stars,” said one of the witnesses in an interview for Tiempo Sur, the medium that spread the photos.
They both saw them. One of the witnesses stated that the six lights “would not stop moving and following us”.
Two people from Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, assured that during Thursday morning they captured lights “with unusual movements” and associated it with the presence of UFOs. “They were not stars or planes, they were round lights that you see and are amazed,” explained one of the witnesses.
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“We were going along the highway, to Buenos Aires street and the lights followed us. This is the third time we’ve seen them. It was at 05:40 in the morning. We look for all the logic, but it is real, “he said.
Regarding this, one of the men reported that he even saw up to six lights “that did not stop moving.”

The other witness, for his part, stated that he saw these lights when he was on his way to school. “I saw something strange in the sky, it was 07:30 in the morning and they were not stars,” he said in an interview for Tiempo Sur, the medium that spread the photos.
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