Scientists at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds have suggested that extraterrestrial civilizations could use Dyson spheres – hypothetical space structures that harness the…
New insights into exoplanet atmospheres and stars. The first spectral analysis of the planet TRAPPIST-1 b has been obtained
Astronomers led by a team from the University of Montreal have made significant progress in understanding the fascinating exoplanet system TRAPPIST-1, first discovered in 2016…
How the ‘cosmic laws’ of galaxy formation are rewritten
A team of researchers from Denmark and Australia used the extraordinary capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope to travel back billions of years to…
New type supernova discovered using JWST
An international team of astronomers has made an exciting discovery using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). They observed the PLCK galaxy cluster G165.7+67.0 and…
Aliens? Carbon dioxide was detected on Europa’s surface by the James Webb Space Telescope.
With the right combination of chemicals, the underground ocean is where life can begin. Unfortunately for planetary scientists, it’s difficult to see past a planet’s…
The classical black hole model has been refuted
According to new high-resolution 3D simulations, spinning black holes twist space-time around them, eventually ripping apart the violent maelstrom of gas (or accretion disk) that…
New type I supernova discovered using JWST
Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of astronomers observed the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0. The observation campaign led to the discovery…
A model that probes the connection between entangled particles and wormholes in general relativity
Quantum entanglement is a physical process in which pairs of particles connect and remain connected even when separated by large distances. This fascinating phenomenon has…
The James Webb Space Telescope and ALMA’s most powerful group capture the heart of the most distant galaxy cluster
credit: University of Tsukuba The study of how individual stars are born and die in galaxies, how new stars are born from the remains of…
Discovery of a new ultra-diffuse dwarf galaxy
Spatial distribution of stars near NGC 55-dw1. Credit: McNanna et An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new faint ultradiffuse and diffuse…