Stereo image of Enceladus showing deformed terrains, impact craters, a 1.5-kilometer-high ridge (at center left) and a large deep basin (upper left). Resolution of images…
Accelerating waves: a new way of looking at light and time travel.
The light we see every day doesn’t always work as we think. It can slow down, bend, speed up and even change the direction of…
An 8 billion year journey to a radio telescope antenna, or a bit about the oldest fast radio burst
In June 2022, astronomers detected an unusual burst of radio waves that traveled through the universe for about 8 billion years, roughly half the age…
The theory of star formation in stellar nurseries has been scientifically revised
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics have demonstrated that stars can be born by receiving matter from outside their parent molecular cloud.…
Scientists have just announced the discovery of a “missing law of nature” that explains the evolution of everything in the Universe.
The universe contains “many evolving systems, and we seem to have no laws of nature that fully describe the reasons for their existence.” A new…
There may be large amounts of organic matter inside Ceres.
In 2017, while studying data collected by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, scientists discovered fatty compounds near one of Ceres’ craters. In trying to determine the origin…
Mysterious signal from ‘hell planet’ 40 light-years from Earth may finally be solved thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope
The first super-Earth discovered by astronomers has been generating strange signals for nearly two decades, and scientists may finally understand their cause. According to a…
AI discovers supernova for the first time
An international team of astronomers, led by experts from Northwestern University, has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system to detect supernova for the first time.…
Studying ejection of matter from the dying star SN 2023ixf
Researchers have revealed the amount of material released from the supernova parent star SN 2023ixf, helping to better understand the evolution of massive stars. The…
Astronomers report the discovery of a new supernova
Astronomers report the discovery of a new supernova in the galaxy UGC 3855. The supernova was discovered using the HMT telescope at the Xingming Observatory…