The LST-1 telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array “made” the first scientific discovery. Astronomers used telescopes to discover strong radiation from quasar OP 313, making…
New research shows the Small Magellanic Cloud is made up of two galaxies
An international team of astronomers and astrophysicists has found evidence that the Small Magellanic Cloud is not one galaxy, but two galaxies one behind the…
There may be millions of invisible “mirror stars” in our galaxy.
An entire universe of “mirror” particles may exist within ourselves, and astronomers may know where to look first: into the mysterious hearts of supposed “mirror…
New pulsar wind nebula and its associated pulsar detected
A composite image of the galactic plane and the Potoro region. The red layer shows the 1368 MHz ASKAP full-intensity image, and the green and…
Extremely red active galaxies turn out to be relatives of blue, dusty active galaxies
Astronomers using the James Webb and Subaru telescopes have discovered similarities between the recently discovered JWST-ERO galaxy and the previously known active dust galaxy BluDOG.…
Princeton astrophysicist unravels the mystery of black hole jets and galactic ‘lightsabers’
Astrophysicists at Princeton University have made an important discovery about black holes. They discovered that the energy near black hole M87* points outward rather than…
Black holes that have existed since the dawn of time could devour stars from the inside
Black holes that have existed since time immemorial could swallow stars from within Recent research suggests that small black holes formed during the Big Bang…
Hubble photographed galaxies with ‘forbidden’ light
This Hubble image shows MCG-01-24-014, an active spiral galaxy some 275 million light-years away in the constellation of Hydra. Image credit: NASA / ESA /…
Seismic waves discovered in a distant galaxy
A new image of an ancient, distant galaxy could help scientists understand not only how it formed, but also the origins of our Milky Way.…
Amateur astronomer helps discover colliding planet
In the fall, an international group of scientists successfully recorded the results of a collision between two icy exoplanets orbiting the Sun-like star ASASSN-21qj. A…