This article is largely a summary of NASA’s MTAS (Mars Transportation Assessment Study, March 2023). Flight paths Currently, with existing jet propulsion technologies, the most…
The threat of contact with extraterrestrial civilization has been refuted
Philosopher Stephen Firth of the University of Helsinki has rejected the idea that contact with aliens necessarily poses a threat to humans. According to its…
Aliens? Carbon dioxide was detected on Europa’s surface by the James Webb Space Telescope.
With the right combination of chemicals, the underground ocean is where life can begin. Unfortunately for planetary scientists, it’s difficult to see past a planet’s…
Alleged “alien” fossils in Mexico: does the truth exist?
The fossilized bodies, displayed in a display case by journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan, were “a thousand years old.” At a special meeting of…
The powerful space explosion, the first of its kind, could be triggered by a black hole star destroyer
The burst, named AT2022aedm, was observed by astronomers emerging from a red galaxy about 2 billion light-years from Earth using the ATLAS robotic telescope array…
Sterile neutrinos are one of the last loose ends in understanding the universe.
Neutrinos once again claim their share of prominence. And they do it for a good reason. Just two weeks ago we told you that CERN…
Astronomers have found a “failed” star that can’t sustain nuclear fusion at its core
Also known as a brown dwarf, the failed star lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth and orbits a structure called a white dwarf. White dwarfs…
Quadruple stellar system linked in the same nucleus
G206.93-16.61E2 is close to the reflection nebula NGC 2023 in the Orion B molecular cloud. The zoom-in pictures show the 1.3mm continuum emission (blue) and…
Study discovers three baby stars powered by spiral gas arms
An international team of researchers has discovered how three child stars are powered by spiral arms of gas in a triple protostar system. The team…