XRISM detects iron fingerprints from nearby active galaxies The Resolve instrument aboard XRISM (X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy Mission) collected data from the center of galaxy NGC…
NASA images help explain the eating habits of supermassive black holes
These images of the Andromeda galaxy use data from NASA’s retired Spitzer Space Telescope. Multiple wavelengths are shown in the image on the left, revealing…
Astronomers study globular cluster NGC 2419
Astronomers study globular cluster NGC 2419 Using the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) and ESA’s Gaia satellite, astronomers explored a globular cluster called NGC 2419. Their…
TESS discovers a rocky planet glowing with molten lava while being squeezed by a nearby planet
TESS discovers a rocky planet glowing with molten lava while being squeezed by a nearby planet Astrophysicist Stephen Cain of the University of California, Riverside…
JWST discovers ‘milestone’ confirming atmosphere of Earth-like exoplanet
55JWST discovers ‘milestone’ confirming atmosphere of Earth-like exoplanet 55 Cancri e is a little bigger than Earth, but much smaller than the Solar System’s giant…
What is the difference between dark matter and dark energy?
What is the difference between dark matter and dark energy? Our universe is dominated by mysterious and invisible forms of matter and energy that are…
Astronomers discover Gaia BH3, the largest “sleeping giant” black hole ever discovered in the Milky Way
Astronomers discover Gaia BH3, the largest “sleeping giant” black hole ever discovered in the Milky Way This dormant black hole, which apparently hasn’t torn apart…
Astronomers are aware of unusual X-ray pulsars that produce streams of energy. The current model cannot explain
Astronomers are aware of unusual X-ray pulsars that produce streams of energy. The current model cannot explain A rare object recently discovered by astronomers turns…
How NASA’s Rome mission will explore ancient black holes
How NASA’s Rome mission will explore ancient black holes Astronomers have discovered black holes with masses ranging from a few solar masses to tens of…
Radio astronomers avoid Earth’s disturbing atmosphere with new calibration technique
Radio astronomers avoid Earth’s disturbing atmosphere with new calibration technique An international research team led by astronomers from Leiden University (Netherlands) has created the first…