Astronomers have declared his one of the highest energy sources in the 2FHL survey. This is probably a plerion with very high photon energy, making…
Scientists study tidal disruption phenomena around AT2023clx
An international team of astronomers has observed AT 2023clx, the closest tidal disruption event (TDE) to Earth, at multiple wavelengths. The results of an observational…
TESS discovers hot super-Earth with giant iron core Therefore, 1 year is less than 1 day
The TESS space telescope has discovered a new representative of exoplanets with ultra-short orbital periods. It was the hot super-Earthwolf 327b, whose iron core occupied…
Hypothesis about ocean planet K2-18b refuted
arXiv: Planet K2-18b is a surfaceless mini-NeptuneAstronomers at NASA’s Ames Research Center have disproved the hypothesis that exoplanet K2-18b is a Hycean, a planet with…
Physicists have discovered the reversibility of matter time – glass molecules undergo temporary vibrations
Humanity has learned to develop highly accurate clocks that work perfectly over millions of years, but we still don’t know what time is. There are…
Scientists discover that tidal destruction of stars by black holes is happening everywhere
Almost all of the 100 or so cases of tidal destruction of stars by black holes known to science were recorded in galaxies where the…
The movement of gas around a supermassive black hole in a distant quasar helps determine its mass
Astronomers used the ground-based interferometer VLTI to measure the mass of a supermassive black hole in a quasar that took 11 billion years for light…
Star-feeding black holes discovered
Astronomers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered about two dozen black holes feeding on nearby stars. The discovery is reported in a paper…
‘Hungry’ quasars discovered in the early universe
A state-of-the-art VLT instrument has made the first direct measurement of the mass of a distant supermassive black hole whose light has been reaching us…
James Webb directly investigated two exogiant white dwarf candidates
They survived the transformation from a star to a red giant The James Webb Infrared Space Telescope has directly observed two exogiant candidates surrounding two…