Using the ALMA radio interferometer to study a pair of merging galaxies, a research team found two supermassive black holes growing at the center of…
Two black holes grow together in a close galactic merger
ALMA Scientists Find A Pair Of Black Holes Dining Together In A Merger Of Nearby Galaxies -MICHAEL KOSS. Two simultaneously growing supermassive black holes have…
Astronomers detect a gigantic neutron star that existed for only a fraction of a second
Reverberations in the fabric of space-time propagate throughout the universe, and astrophysicists are sometimes able to notice such shocks. A team of astronomers has examined…
Hubble finds a black hole twisting a star
This sequence of artist’s illustrations shows how a black hole can devour a star that has come close to it – NASA, ESA, LEAH HUSTAK…
System with two small worlds in habitable zone at 100 light years
In this illustration, the recently discovered Earth-sized planet TOI 700 e orbits in the habitable zone of its star. Its Earth-sized brother, TOI 700 d,…
There’s a star in the Milky Way halfway to Andromeda
Astronomers have discovered more than 200 distant variable stars known as RR Lyrae stars in the stellar halo of the Milky Way. The most distant…
Astronomers discover a ‘hot Jupiter’ of 1,950 million years about 528 light years from Earth
The new extrasolar planet, named TOI-778 b, has a radius 1.37 times the size of Jupiter and an equilibrium temperature of 1,287 °C. An international…
The James Webb reveals galaxies similar to the Milky Way in the early universe
Images of the galaxy EGS23205. On the left the one taken by the Hubble telescope and on the right that of the James Webb telescope,…
The enigma of the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way finally solved according to science
If you’ve asked Santa for a telescope, this one might come in handy! In fact, astronomers have apparently finally resolved a question that has lingered…
How do black holes feed? This astronomical event could have the answer
In 2021, multiple telescopes witnessed an unprecedented event. A star in a galaxy 250 million light-years away was sucked into the gravity well of a…