A team of experts from the Max Planck Institute in Germany found it and named it Wolf 1069b. It is similar in size to the…
Astronomers discover 12 new moons of Jupiter, which surpasses Saturn as the planet with the most satellites
Jupiter Quietly Takes Crown for Most Moons, With New Tally of 92 We only have one Moon, very big, true, but there are planets that…
Hubble telescope directly measures the mass of a white dwarf for the first time
A view of LAWD 37 as seen by Hubble. Image: NASA, ESA, P. McGill (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz and University of Cambridge), K. Sahu…
Astronomers identify 20 ultraviolet-emitting supernova remnants in the Andromeda galaxy
Positions of the 20 SNRs with detected diffuse UV emission (red squares) and the 5 SNRs with probable but unclear diffuse emission (blue squares), superimposed…
A rare binary star with an oddly round orbit
By studying the binary star system CPD-29 2176, researchers are unraveling new clues about our earliest beginnings as stardust. -NOIRLAB/NSF/AURA/J. DA SILVA/SPACE ENGINE A study…
Scientists reproduced a gravity field 1,000 times stronger than Earth’s gravity
Solar activity associated with space weather can cause fluctuating electrical currents in space, directly impacting Earth’s electrical grid and energizing electrons and protons trapped in…
Astronomers detect 25 radio bursts that mysteriously repeat themselves throughout the universe
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are one of the most powerful and enigmatic astronomical phenomena known. Like gravitational waves (GW) and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), fast radio…
NASA wants to conquer deep space: its new propulsion system promises to help meet that challenge
The first thing is that the human being returns to the Moon. That is the goal of the Artemis program. Then probably Mars. But at…
Did a phenomenon comparable to a volcanic eruption occur in a magnetar?
SGR 1935+2154, located about 30,000 light-years distant from Earth, is a magnetar, a highly magnetic class of neutron star (a star corpse less dense than…
Ongoing collision between at least three galaxy clusters
Astronomers have captured a spectacular ongoing collision between at least three galaxy clusters, combining NASA’s Chandra Observatory, ESA’s XMM-Newton Observatory, and three radio telescopes. Collisions…