Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have helped identify a new threat to Earth: intense X-rays from exploding stars The explosions that occur when a…
Einstein’s rings suggest that dark matter behaves like a wave
We have been looking the wrong way, dark matter might not be a particle and rather behave like a wave. Dark matter is the biggest…
PSR J0901-4046 is the most magnetized radio pulsar known, according to a study
The background of both images shows continuous 1.28 GHz radio emission from the nebula surrounding the high-mass X-ray binary system Vela X-1, and its newly…
Astronomers identify a new threat to life on planets like Earth
This result has implications for the study of exoplanets and their habitability. In space there are several situations that could endanger planets like Earth, such…
You, reader, we send into space; but not now, but within 5 billion years. It makes you witness the death of the Sun in an…
Astronomers discover two supermassive black holes on a collision course
Researchers found a pair of black holes embedded within two galaxies that merged when the universe was just 3 billion years old. To make the…
Astronomers discover a huge supermassive black hole roaming the cosmos.
They discover a huge supermassive black hole roaming the cosmosCredits: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI). Related Astronomers have discovered a “runaway” supermassive black hole, potentially…
Mysterious dark matter mapped in the greatest detail yet
It is described as the most detailed map of the influence of dark matter throughout cosmic history. A telescope in Chile has traced the distribution…
New findings mapping the cosmic growth of the universe support Einstein’s theory of gravity
For millennia, humans have been fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos. Unlike ancient philosophers who imagined the origins of the universe, modern cosmologists use…
Two exoplanets around HIP 104045
A group of astronomers has announced the discovery of two new exoplanets, around HIP 104045. Although this news is interesting because it leads us to…