The universe is constantly expanding at a rate that is measured with the Hubble constant, but there is no agreement on its exact value, a…
Hidden supermassive black holes brought to life by galaxies on a collision course
Astronomers have found that dust-obscured supermassive black holes are likely to grow larger and release enormous amounts of energy when inside galaxies that are expected…
This is the largest explosion ever detected by humanity
When it comes to space, we’re used to being presented with unimaginably large numbers that dwarf the achievements of human engineering. From the immense vacuum,…
First measurement of atmospheric light from a planet is-Neptune
This artist’s concept depicts GJ 1214b, a mini-Neptune, with what is likely a steamy, hazy atmosphere. A team led by scientists with the University of…
There may be liquid water under the crusts of Uranus’s moons, according to a new NASA study
Liquid water under the surface of the moons of Uranus, this could be the conclusion reached by NASA researchers after reanalyzing data from the Voyager…
Strange fireballs lit up the sky over Okinawa in Japan
On March 10, unusual activity was detected in the sky over southern Japan: mysterious fireballs were seen in the sky at night. As reported by…
The runaway black hole riddle solved
El reciente hallazgo de unos investigadores del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias desmonta la interpretación original en donde un agujero negro supermasivo a la fuga…
A chance event 1 million years ago forever changed the human brain: ScienceAlert
Like treasured recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, there are only certain regions of DNA that evolution dares not alter. Mammals around…
Astronomers discover the most massive pulsating white dwarf star known
The finding was made using data from the APO and Gemini astronomical observatories, which have the largest existing optical telescopes in the world. A team…
Dark energy is evenly distributed in space and time.
An initial study of dark energy with the eROSITA X-ray telescope, focused on galaxy clusters, indicates that the density of this mysterious force is evenly…