Things can get pretty confusing when a black hole swallows a star. For example, consider the event known as ASASSN-14li. In this event, a massive…
The disappearance of Neptune’s clouds
The Hubble Space Telescope image sequence demonstrates the rise and fall of cloud cover on Neptune. The changes are caused by photochemical processes taking place…
A supermassive black hole devours a huge star and spits out stellar “guts” into space
On Tuesday (August 22), scientists announced they may have found evidence of the most massive star ever seen being torn apart by a black hole,…
A zooming black hole could reach about 10% the speed of light, scientists say
Black holes may now be zipping through space at a staggering speed of just under 10 percent of the speed of light. Based on simulations…
Newly discovered active galaxy near the Sombrero Galaxy
Astronomer Elio Quiroga Rodriguez of Mid-Atlantic University in Spain made an interesting discovery while analyzing images of the Sombrero Galaxy taken by the Hubble Space…
Astronomers study the galaxy cluster Abell 119
Astronomers have used NASA’s Chandra spacecraft to carry out detailed X-ray observations of the complex galaxy cluster known as Abell 119. This cluster contains about…
Astronomers have found a “failed” star that can’t sustain nuclear fusion at its core
Also known as a brown dwarf, the failed star lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth and orbits a structure called a white dwarf. White dwarfs…
Astronomers discover a star that could become the most powerful magnet in the universe
The magnetism of HD 45166 is 100,000 times stronger than that of the Earth and after its explosion it would be much greater. A mysterious…
CEERS-93316 ceased to be the oldest galaxy in the Universe – it appeared not 250 million, but 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang
The scientists conducted a spectral analysis of the redshifts of the two galaxies. We wrote about Meisies. Now let’s talk about CEERS-93316. Here’s What We…
Confirmation and rejection of very bright galaxies in the early universe
A red spot hidden in the background of a deep space image has now been confirmed as one of the earliest known galaxies in the…