The Arrakis mission, named after the planet in the science fiction novel Dune, will change the way we view the universe. His ARRAKIHS consortium, led…
Betelgeuse’s strangeness explained by stellar cannibalism incident
Betelgeuse is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and we are amazed not only by the power of its brilliance, but also by…
Dozens of giant stars are rapidly leaving our galaxy, and scientists have discovered why.
Since the early 2000s, large-scale astronomical observations of the sky have begun, providing precise images of the speed and direction of stars’ movement. We have…
Astronomers discover oxygen on Venus: questions arise about possible colonization
Astronomers recently found clear evidence of the presence of atomic oxygen above toxic clouds on Venus’ sunlit dayside. The discovery by researchers at the German…
Earth’s oldest burial ground was not built by humans
Paleontologists have discovered what may be the oldest burial site on earth in South Africa, Agence France-Presse reported. This includes the remains of distant relatives…
A tiny copy of our galaxy has been discovered in the early universe – scientists don’t understand how it got there
The James Webb Space Telescope continues to provide astonishing data that defies scientific explanation. The new discovery is that a galaxy very similar to the…
“Invisible” in space. How black holes work and what will happen if a human falls into a black hole
There is no exact definition of the term “black hole” in physics. Scientists interpret this concept in different ways, but they agree that this is…
The Event Horizon telescope has discovered circularly polarized radiation from the supermassive black hole in galaxy M87.
This supports the magnetized accretion disk model. A collaboration with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has discovered circularly polarized radiation from the immediate vicinity of…
Astronomers discover for the first time the possibility of an exoplanet with a multipolar orbit
Astronomers have discovered the first candidate exoplanet with a polar multi-orbit. Its existence could explain the gap in the circumpolar binary disk surrounding the AC…
Astronomers have discovered the oldest spiral galaxy – a twin of the Milky Way
The James Webb Infrared Space Telescope has discovered the oldest barred spiral galaxy ever discovered. It is very similar to our Milky Way, but it…