An international team of scientists analyzed data from multiple sources and found that the Small Magellanic Cloud, one of the Milky Way’s satellites, contains two…
Entropy is key to assessing the habitability of exoplanets
The recipe for life is very simple: water, warmth, and nutrients. Italian chemist Luigi Petracone believes that another factor is needed: entropy. In his article,…
The mystery of hydrogen-deficient supernovae has been solved
Astronomer Ylva Getberg tracks hydrogen-poor supernova source stars. He made an amazing discovery. Supernova explosions are usually so powerful that they shine as brightly as…
How our universe is reflected in black holes.
Astronomers have developed a set of equations that accurately describe the reflection of space in diffracted light around a black hole. The distance between each…
Life may have emerged just seconds after the Big Bang
Astronomers have discovered surprising evidence that life may exist in unexpected corners of the universe. Research into the Barrett Cluster, a galaxy cluster where dark…
Chinese scientists have proposed using black holes as batteries
Chinese scientists at Peking University’s Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics have proposed a way that humans could one day use black holes as an energy…
Researchers observe fission of cosmic nuclei for the first time
Nuclear fusion occurs virtually everywhere in the universe. In the sun, hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, releasing energy and making life on Earth possible.…
Unusual energy loss process in black holes helps astrophysicists solve cosmic mysteries
A black hole’s rotation can be caused by a magnetic field, which can emit hundreds of millions of times more energy than the sun and…
Ancient stars in the universe synthesized elements heavier than uranium and plutonium
Scientists have analyzed the heavy element content of modern stars and discovered new patterns that can so far only be explained by the decay of…
Astronomers have discovered an unusual star orbiting a black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
Stars S0-6 are 10 billion years old and bear no resemblance to stars in our galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy has between 100 billion and…