A team of researchers from the University of Sussex, in the United Kingdom, and Michigan State University, in the United States, seem to have solved…
Astronomers accidentally discover Black Hole so big you can spot it with a backyard telescope
The Fastest-Growing Black Hole Ever Seen In The Universe A supermassive black hole that grows so fast that it shines 7,000 times brighter than the…
Looking inside a neutron star
A merger of neutron stars. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Laboratory The oscillations in binary neutron stars before they merge could have big implications…
They assure that the closest “black hole” to Earth is a “vampire” star system
The black hole considered until now as “the closest to Earth” was discovered in 2020 just a thousand light years from our planet. However, a…
NASA observatory captures black hole merger in spiral galaxy NGC 4424
(Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Swinburne Univ. of Technology/A. Graham et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI) Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope describe how…
Perseus Constellation: How To Locate, Stars, Myth And Data
Image Credit: NASA, CXC, GSFC, Stephen Walker, et al. The constellation of Perseus; is a constellation located in the northern sky. The constellation resembles the…
A ring of photons manifests in the black hole of M87
Sophisticated algorithms have discerned a sharp ring of light created by photons striking the back of a supermassive black hole in vivid confirmation of the…
The toaster-sized instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover is ‘reliably’ producing OXYGEN on Mars
Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS A toaster-sized instrument aboard NASA’s Perseverance rover is “reliably” converting carbon dioxide to oxygen on Mars at about the same rate as a…
Discover the needle of black holes in the galactic haystack
© Tengyart, Shutterstock A group of astrophysicists backed by the European Union has found a dormant black hole in a nearby galaxy, whose mass is…
NASA: James Webb detects the first sample of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of an exoplanet
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured the first clear evidence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet outside the solar system. Banner Image: This…