Researchers discover new molecules in space, NGC 6334I

Researchers discover new molecules in space

Such discoveries help researchers better understand the evolution of molecular complexity in the universe during star formation “Finally, we observed his 25-turn line of 2-methoxyethanol that matched the molecular signal towards NGC 6334I (barcode matched!). We were able to reliably detect 2-methoxyethanol,” says Fried. “This allows us to infer physical parameters of molecules associated with NGC 6334I, such as abundance and excitation temperature, and also allows us to investigate possible chemical production pathways from known interstellar precursors. became.” i am looking forward to The discovery of such molecules helps researchers better understand the evolution of molecular complexity in the Universe during star formation. Containing 13 atoms, 2-methoxyethanol is quite large by interstellar standards. As of 2021, only six of his species containing 13 or more atoms have been discovered outside the solar system, most of them by McGuire’s group, and all of them exist as ring-like structures. “By continuously observing large molecules and then deriving their abundance, we are learning more about how efficiently large molecules form and what specific reactions produce them. You can expand your knowledge,” Freed says. “Furthermore, because this molecule was discovered in NGC 6334I rather than IRAS 16293-2422B, we have a unique opportunity to investigate how the different physical conditions of these two sources affect the chemistry that may occur. was given.”

Paper: “Rotational Spectrum and First Interstellar Detection of 2-methoxyethanol Using ALMA Observations of NGC 6334I”